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Duties & Responsibilities of Chief Matron & Matron

August 9, 2022, 4:06 PM

Duties & Responsibilities of Chief Matron 

1.  Supervise the work of the hospital staff and ensures that the instructions left behind by the medical officers in respect of individual patients are correctly carried out.

2. She is responsible for proper cleanliness and maintenance of the hospital, both inside and outside, and matters related to hospital linen, patient’s clothing, beds, furniture etc.

3. Chief Matron will also look after diet arrangements for the patients.

4. Chief Matron will be in-charge of the T&P, dead stock register and consumable stores register of the hospital.

5. Chief Matron shall assist MD/CMS/MS in organisation and smooth conduct of periodic refresher courses and continuing medical education of nursing staff and other para-medical workers of the hospital.

6. Chief Matron shall exercise control of all hospital staff placed under her administrative control & be responsible for maintaining discipline amongst them and initiate DAR proceedings as and when required.

Duties & Responsibilities of Matron 

1.  Matrons will perform the same duties as assigned to nursing sisters except those earmarked for supervisory functions.

Duties of Matrons earmarked for supervisory functions:

1. Supervise the work of nurses, dressers, hospital attendants, sweepers and other subordinate staff.

2.  Maintain discipline amongst nursing and other staff.

3. Maintain a check on the attendance of hospital and nursing staff and see that the staffs are employed on their legitimate duties.

4. Ensure that the nursing facilities provided by the nurses are of a high order and that the orders which are issued by the Medical Officers are carried out by the nurses properly and in time.

5. Go on rounds with the Medical Officers to ensure that all the instructions given by them are carried out.

6.  Accompany the Chief Medical Director, Government medical officials, or distinguished guests during their visits to the hospital.

7. Be responsible for proper cleanliness and maintenance of the hospital compound, outdoor departments, wards, operation theatre, pharmacy, dressing room, kitchen and other hospital establishments.
8.  Ensure cleanliness of all hospital linen and patients clothing and keep the dhobi account.

9.  Be in charge of surgical instruments and medical appliances in the operation theatre and wards, hospital linen, clothes, beds, crockery, cutlery, furniture, utensils, other tools and plants and maintain all ledgers pertaining to these items.

10.  Place requisition for raw materials either with the contractor or with kitchen clerk twice a day where there is departmental catering and see that the diet rations are properly weighed and measured by the cook. Ensure that the diet which is supplied to the patients is properly cooked and tasteful.

11. Place all articles requiring condemnation before the Chief Medical Superintendent/Medical Superintendent/ Divisional Medical Officer and also take suitable action to procure them.

12.  Assist the Surgeon in the operations, if required.

13. Maintain all records in connection with the nursing side of the hospital.
14.  The matron, while on duty may not absent herself from the hospital without the knowledge of the Chief Medical Superintendent/ Medical Superintendent/Divisional/ Assistant Divisional Medical Officer. A competent nurse should always be available as in-charge when the matron is off duty.
15.  Carry out any other order given by her superiors.


Duties & Responsibilities


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