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RBE No. 147/2017 – Recommendations of the Seventh Central pay Commission – Implementation of decision relating to the grant of Children Education Allowance

October 21, 2017, 6:49 PM

RBE No. 147/2017
PC-VII No.68
 Government of India
Ministry of Railway
(Railway Board)
No.E(W)2017/ED-2/3                                                         New Delhi, Dated: 12-10-20 17
The General Manager (P),
All Indian Railways &
Production Units.
Sub: Recommendations of the Seventh Central pay Commission – Implementation of decision relating to the grant of Children Education Allowance.
Please refer to Board’s letter No. E(W)2008/ED-2/4 dated 01-10-2008 followed by subsequent clarifications thereon regarding grant of Children Education Allowance/Hostel Subsidy to Government employees on the recommendation of Sixth Central Pay Commission.

Now, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) has conveyed Government’s decision on the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission in regard to grant of Children Education Allowance & Hostel Subsidy to Government servants vide OM No. A-27012/02/2017-Estt.(AL) dated 16.08.2017 (copy enclosed). These instructions shall apply mutatis-mutandis to Railway employees and shall be
effective from l sl July, 2017.
Aforesaid instructions on Children Education Allowance/Hostel Subsidy are being issued in supersession of Board’s letter No. E(W)2008/ED-2/4 dated 13-05-2014.
Please acknowledge receipt.

(Sunil Kumar)
Director Estt.(Welfare)
Railway Board



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This entry was posted in 4 Railway Circulars / Rule, Allowances, Circulars - 7th CPC, Education Allowance, Imp Circulars, RBE, Railway Employee