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What other suffixes such as ‘Road’ are used for station names in India?

July 19, 2019, 12:40 PM

See the list of common suffixes in Indian place names (which is a general, not railway-specific list). Many suffixes are self-explanatory. For instance, many cities have a Cantonment station which used to be where the British established military cantonments (and where significant military establishments may still exist. In addition to the Indian place name suffixes, English suffixes such as ‘Park’, ‘Fort’, ‘Beach’, are quite common, as are suffixes like ‘South’, ‘East’, etc. If one goes through the list of IR station names, many unusual and odd names come to light. On the Neral-Matheran line, a station is named ‘Water Pipe’, solely because it is near the water supply pipes that run close by. The same line has a halt ‘Aman Lodge’, named after the hotel of the same name run by the state tourism bureau. Several other such examples can be found elsewhere.

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